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Nutrimillets Namkeen – Jowar Sev – Chat Masala Flavor (50 grams)

20.0 / grams

Packing – 50g

Price – Rs.20/-

Shelf life –  6 Months

Nutritional Facts Per 100g
Calories (Kcal) 549.6
Total Fats (%) 35.28
Total Carbohydrates (%) 47.01
Dietary Fiber (%)       4.56
Protein (%) 11
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Nutrimillets namkeen sev:

In the realm of breakfast and snacks, a noteworthy shift towards healthier alternatives is embodied by the rise of millet-based food products. Transitioning from traditional grains, millets emerge as nutritional powerhouses, reshaping the food landscape.

To commence, millets, a diverse group of small-seeded grasses, serve as the foundation for a myriad of breakfast and snack options. From millet porridge to granola bars, these products offer a delectable fusion of taste and health benefits.

Transitioning from conventional cereal grains, millets boast a rich nutritional profile. Packed with essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, they contribute to overall well-being and aid in combating lifestyle-related diseases.

The versatility of millets in snack preparation is noteworthy. Millet-based snacks, such as baked millet chips or millet-based energy bars, cater to the growing demand for on-the-go, nutritious alternatives. These snacks are not only convenient but also satiate cravings without compromising health.

Moreover, millet products align with the trend of gluten-free and allergen-friendly options. They cater to individuals with dietary restrictions, offering a wholesome alternative that doesn’t compromise on taste or nutritional value.

The benefits extend beyond personal health; millet cultivation promotes sustainable agriculture. These hardy crops require less water and are well-adapted to diverse agroecological zones, contributing to water conservation and soil health.

Nutrimillets namkeen sev: As consumer awareness grows, the food industry responds with innovative millet-based products. Breakfast cereals, muffins, and even millet-based pasta are becoming staples, offering a delightful departure from traditional breakfast and snack choices.

In conclusion, the elevation of millet-based food products in the breakfast and snacks domain signifies a shift towards holistic well-being and sustainable food choices. The amalgamation of nutritional benefits, versatility, and environmental sustainability positions millets as a transformative force in shaping the future of breakfast and snack options.

Weight 0.05 kg


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1. Ingredient Sourcing

a. Jowar (Sorghum) Farming:
  • Environmental Impact: Jowar is a drought-resistant crop that requires less water compared to many other grains (e.g., rice, wheat). According to the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), sorghum can be grown with minimal irrigation, which reduces water consumption and the associated energy costs of irrigation (ICRISAT, 2021).
  • Soil Health: Jowar is known for improving soil health as it helps in nitrogen fixation and reduces soil erosion. This practice supports sustainable agricultural practices by enhancing soil fertility and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers (FAO, 2017).
b. Chat Masala Ingredients:
  • Sustainable Spices: The spices used in chat masala (e.g., cumin, coriander) are often grown in smallholder farms. These farms typically employ more sustainable practices compared to large-scale industrial farming, such as crop rotation and reduced chemical inputs (Sustainable Spices Initiative, 2019).

2. Production Process

a. Energy Efficiency:
  • Manufacturing: If the production facility employs energy-efficient technologies and processes, this can significantly reduce the carbon footprint. For instance, energy-efficient ovens and low-energy frying techniques can minimize greenhouse gas emissions (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2020).
b. Waste Management:
  • Reduction and Recycling: Sustainable production processes often include waste reduction strategies and recycling of by-products. Efficient waste management reduces the overall environmental impact of the manufacturing process (UNEP, 2018).

3. Packaging

a. Material Choices:
  • Sustainable Packaging: If the product uses biodegradable or recyclable packaging materials, this can lower the environmental impact. For example, using paper-based or compostable materials instead of plastics reduces waste and resource consumption (Packaging Industry Research, 2021).
b. Minimalist Design:
  • Resource Efficiency: Minimizing packaging materials not only reduces waste but also decreases the carbon footprint associated with the production and disposal of packaging (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2020).

4. Distribution

a. Local Sourcing:
  • Reduced Transportation Emissions: If the ingredients are locally sourced and the production facility is close to the consumer base, transportation emissions are minimized. Shorter supply chains reduce the carbon footprint associated with logistics (International Transport Forum, 2021).
b. Efficient Logistics:
  • Optimized Distribution: Using efficient transportation methods and logistics can also contribute to a lower carbon footprint. This includes strategies like optimizing delivery routes and using energy-efficient vehicles (Global Logistics Emissions Council, 2022).


  1. ICRISAT (2021). "Sorghum: An Overview." International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
  2. FAO (2017). "Sorghum and Millets in Traditional Cropping Systems." Food and Agriculture Organization.
  3. Sustainable Spices Initiative (2019). "Sustainability in Spice Production." Sustainable Spices Initiative.
  4. US Environmental Protection Agency (2020). "Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing." EPA.
  5. UNEP (2018). "Waste Management and Sustainable Production." United Nations Environment Programme.
  6. Packaging Industry Research (2021). "Trends in Sustainable Packaging." Packaging Industry Research.
  7. Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2020). "Towards a Circular Economy: Packaging." Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
  8. International Transport Forum (2021). "Reducing Transport Emissions: Strategies and Policies." International Transport Forum.
  9. Global Logistics Emissions Council (2022). "Efficient Logistics and Emission Reductions." Global Logistics Emissions Council.

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